Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Did you know I'm a good teacher? ;-)

Well, I am...the best in fact!  Ok, that last statement might be stretching it a bit...I mean, I haven't met ALL the teachers in the world, but according to a school district representative today, apparently I'm pretty darn good.  Which is kind of funny, because I say a lot of cuss words in class, you, "Get your f***ing work done...", "Quit talking da**it!" and "Are you really that stupid??"  But I guess that's what they want teachers to do know...make kids feel really horrible about themselves and talk to them like their parents do at home.

I'M KIDDING!!  I feel like I should probably stop here, before you all think I'm being completely serious...I'm only kidding about the cussing and stupid parts tho, the part about being the best teacher EVER is completely true.  (insert extreme smile here)

The reality of the situation is that yes, the district sent a representative to our school today to observe every classroom in preparation of the AZ Dept. of Ed's visit either tomorrow or Friday.  AND, the reality of the situation is that yes, I was told I'm a pretty darn excellent teacher dontcha know, a regular Josephine Six-Pack of teachers ( sorry - Sarah Palin somehow took over my blog...I HATE it when that happens).  ANYWAY...I'm in a fantastic mood now, because I've spent the past forever (really - it feels that long) getting my room up to state "codes"(having the right state standards posters up, taking down the cute sh** so that I would have room for the state standards posters [I wish I was kidding on that one, but I'm not...we were literally told to take down the cute sh** to make room for these posters...cuz, you know, first graders don't NEED cut sh** to learn, right??], so to know that I can actually leave to go home tonight and not have to stress about anything is a pretty good feeling.  It's not even 2PM and I'm heading out the door...which is probably a miracle, because I've NEVER left school this early...EVER.  

So...I'm leaving...I'll add funny kid stuff on here tomorrow.  For right now, all I have to say is that I was told I have "the softest arm hair ever" by the student who rubs my arm every day, kisses it and tells me he loves me.'s cute, but creepy all the same.  Man...excellent teacher AND soft arm hair...I'm freakin' UNTOUCHABLE today. =)

(please tell me you're laughing out loud have to be at least a little...)

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