Thursday, March 26, 2009

training...and students who miss me...

So, we've just gotten back from a two week Spring Break and on my second day back I had to go attend two full days of training. By the time I returned this morning, my students were missing me pretty are some of the things they said. Just total reinforcement as to why I have the BEST job in the world!!!

"Ms. Eklund...I missed you so much, I thought I was going to die."
"Ms. Eklund, can I stay in 1st grade forever? I miss you so much when you're gone!"
"Ms. Eklund, can I live with you so I can see you every day??"
"You are more beautiful today, than I remember."
"Will you come to my house tonight and watch a movie? I missed you so much."
"Ahhh...Ms. Eklund, you're the best teacher EVER! Mr. B (the sub) is funny, but you're better than he is."

Seriously...they may be stinkers sometimes, but man...I love these little ones. =) I'm so proud of how they're doing and how much they've grown. It's weird to think I only have 8 weeks left with them!

1 comment:

Ponder-a-ling said...

makes me want to be a teacher