Friday, February 20, 2009


What kid or person says "barnacles"?  Is it off of Spongebob or something that I don't know of?  I have a kid in my class (three guesses who, first two don't count) who says this whenever he makes a mistake.  It's hilarious!  This young man is an interesting kiddo...wooo boy, interesting.  

"Hey buddy, you forgot to put an end mark on your sentence."

"Oops...don't forget to tuck in your shirt (more often than not, it's "zip your zipper")."

At least he doesn't say, "Dammit!  DAMMITT!"  Like one of my students last year.  Or..."That's f*&@ing ridiculous!" (same student from last year).  

1 comment:

Stacy said...

yep, it's a sponge bob thing. my kids were saying it a lot last year.